Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Seers 3 Second Thermos Flask

3 Second Thermos Flask provide you nearly instant boiled water. Eco-save electricity 50%.

3 Second Thermos Flask

SEERS Thermos Flask uses core “Nanocrystal Tube” non-metallic hydro isolation water heating technology. Instant pre-boil water supplied by Nano-tube is continuously available within 2-5 seconds as and when is required.

Through sterilization during instantaneous heating process, SEERS Thermos Flask overcome traditional hot water dispensers which have disadvantages such as low water temperature, reboiling water which is not healthy, furring and other impurities metal particles.All components is compiled to relevant country drinking water, health and safety standard.

The power consumption saving is approximately 98% for standby mode hot water dispenser and 50% energy saving compares with other traditional dispenser for keeping warm mode. With the new SEERS Thermos Flask, you can get hot water as easy as 1, 2, 3. You can now get hot water in only 3 second and no worries of high electricity consumption.

  • Temperature Setting
  • No More Reboiling Water
  • Energy Saving
  • 3 Seconds Instant Hot Water Supply
  • Environment Friendly
  • Safety Auto Shut Off/ Dry Boiled Protection
  • Hot Water Demand As Require

Youtube Demo Video for 3 second thermos flask